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Hi. I'm just a simple nobody - with a simpleton mind, simple values, simple views.. It doesn't matter if you don't view my blog. Personally, I don't really care. Hello, and good-bye.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


I'm only naming my blog titles after sounds you can emit.
Nyaa is one of those strange sounds I omit, and blergh is the sound of people spewing.
Now that I think about it, yesterday, I saw someone spew at Miranda Westfields. My family were pulling off strange faces. They were probably thinking, WHAT THE HECK?! I could even see the disgust on their faces.

Anyway.. I should be wrapping up my Bag It! Project. BLERGHH.

5 days 'til Vietnam,

Joanne. :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Nyaaa. D:

When the preceding day was one of the best days of your life, and the next day you're locked up at home, don't you feel.. Dead?
Well, that's what I feel.
Yesterday was my last day at Grandma's for the year -- Full of group hugs, talking, cute little babies and cousins. Well, Ethan randomly pointing at Steven when I hugged him was not good. It made me have a fit. :)
Now today, it's boiling hot, I'm at home listening to my brother playing Technologic by Daft Punk over and over again, and Mum's phoning my Ba Ngoai in Vietnam, and I'm sitting here trying desperately to do my assignment, which is obviously not working.

You know, when I look at the Statue of Liberty, I laugh like mad. I have no idea why, I just end up doing so.

Ok. That was so random.

Anywhoo, there's school tomorrow. I gotta finish my Inspiration tomorrow, and hand in my Bag It project tomorrow. This accounts for a very sad Joanne indeed. Maybe I'll just skip eco or something. Anyway, Ms. Agland ain't gonna be at school tomorrow so why should I bother to go?

I really wanna bring in my camera to take a gazillion photos of school. I told Mum that I'd take a photo of Cleve Quad but I haven't gotten the opportunity to do so. (Meaning that I haven't bothered to do so.)

Anyway, gotta jet. :\

Joanne :)

P.S. I only opened this thingy up to rant about those things that happen during my day.