About Me

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Hi. I'm just a simple nobody - with a simpleton mind, simple values, simple views.. It doesn't matter if you don't view my blog. Personally, I don't really care. Hello, and good-bye.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Editing photos

Editing photos. This is my pelican photo. Annie loves it to bits but I don't know why.

Anyway, should I continue this? I kinda think this won't work out too well but yeah.
Here's another photo.

Anyway, I suck, byebye


Thursday, August 12, 2010


I was just chilling to some Thrice (thanks to my cousin.. Another avid rock/metal/grunge/hard-rock maniac like me) and it's pretty good! I've been listening to Silhouette on repeat.. It's really good . To me, anyway. It's embedded here.

Anyway, I've gotta get off my mind - I made a DeviantArt. It's for backup just in case my comp dies and then all my photos get lost. :(

And there's actually an Instant Messenger thing on Moodle, even though it's pretty lame and all. It works, though. And Karina stuffed mine up.

Au revoir; have fun.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

I think it's funny ..

.. That in most Asian families, it's always the guys who kill the bugs.
.. When I'm listening to rock music, and your mother goes and reprimands you, thinking that you'll turn emo and start cutting yourself soon.
.. That my brother has girly traits.
.. That I can cook two meals with confidence - scrambled eggs, and creme brulee.
.. When my cousin does her special 'silent but deadly' fart.
.. When my brother cries.
.. When my brother's a total wuss.





I was obsessed with Cillian Murphy during the holidays. I think I still AM obsessed. Though my obsessions don't last long. I just have a profound liking afterwards. Which ISN'T obsession, but probably something close to it.

Dayum. I love his eyes.

His wonderfully cerulean-blue eyes.


I think that's all I needed to say.
