About Me

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Hi. I'm just a simple nobody - with a simpleton mind, simple values, simple views.. It doesn't matter if you don't view my blog. Personally, I don't really care. Hello, and good-bye.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I was just chilling to some Thrice (thanks to my cousin.. Another avid rock/metal/grunge/hard-rock maniac like me) and it's pretty good! I've been listening to Silhouette on repeat.. It's really good . To me, anyway. It's embedded here.

Anyway, I've gotta get off my mind - I made a DeviantArt. It's for backup just in case my comp dies and then all my photos get lost. :(

And there's actually an Instant Messenger thing on Moodle, even though it's pretty lame and all. It works, though. And Karina stuffed mine up.

Au revoir; have fun.


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