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Hi. I'm just a simple nobody - with a simpleton mind, simple values, simple views.. It doesn't matter if you don't view my blog. Personally, I don't really care. Hello, and good-bye.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Anh Bi's Engagement

Why hello.

Today we had Anh Bi's engagement party. Very fun. :) Anh Bi's girlfriend's really pretty too. Though she is against Anh Bi on the comp and all. :)

Su had to miss out cause she had school and her exams are tomorrow. :S

I nearly got hit by a motorbike, and it got caught on tape. ON TAPE. ON TAPE!

Well, I dunno what to say.

I think Ba Ngoai's condition is improving.

Anyway.. I might just go off and play games with Anh Bi. After he comes home. >_>

Mr. Blue Cactus

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Near death experiences..

I have nearly been run over, been crashed into and nearly got hit by a ciggie like at least 20 or so times. I just know it.

My brother's also been trying to bash me up. Stupid kid.

Anyway.. the roads at Vietnam are all higgledy-piggledy. You think everyone drives on the right side of the road?

No, not really.

Vietnamese people drive their MOTORBIKES! and cars on the right hand side of the road.

Well, sort of.

But there is a lack of traffic lights and road indication.

So somehow, even if there happens to be a barrier there in the middle of the road, some random people end up driving on the wrong side anyway.

It's really funny.


I think I might just .. Go now.

~Bon voyageeeeeeeeeeeeee !

Monsieur Violet Cactus


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Video-Gaming with Bi & something else.

So yeah. Not getting hair done.. Cousins Ai & Su objected to that.


Yesterday, I was video-gaming with Bi, my cousin. I find that Bi has the same sort of personality traits as Steven, my other cousin.. So yeah. I was having heaps of fun killing people & *pow pow powing* people.

Later, Ai & Su came over.. We talked. And talked. And talked. It's really weird how I was able to understand and reply to all that.. Especially since I'm not that good at Viet.
Last time about three years ago, I went to Vietnam. Ai was like a head taller than I was. :S
But now.. I'm catching up! She's like 168.. and I'm 164.. So I'm growing.. and growing..
And Su is the cutest little girl on the planet. She's 9. And Mum says she's round. But cuteeee.

Ai says I look pretty. And cute. Well better than three years ago. I object to that..

Bi's gone off to work .. *sigh* Now who am I gonna team up with to murder innocent people now?!

Oh yeah.. I got Christmas presents for Friend T, Y and Z. Even though they're similar they're multi-purpose so yeah. And they only sell them in my Mum's shop. Well.. Mum and her gang of sisters shop. :)

Anyway, off to Ai & Su's place soon I think.

Mr. Blue Cactus :)


Friday, December 4, 2009

Je suis at Vietnam

Ok. SO.. the plane flight was at 2pm. Well.. scheduled to be :S
And it was delayed.. FOR TWO BLEEPING HOURS. So we arrived in Darwin at 8pm, Sydney time.
30 minutes later there comes another jet plane thing which turned out to be an AIRBUS A320 and took us to Vietnam. It arrived at like.. 1:30 am into the next day.
After THAT..
We got held up at the airport cause of Mum's Visa. That lasted like an hour.. Bro cried.. Yeah. You get the scene. What? We were tired, it was technically 2 am to our internal body clocks and yeah.
So after that, it was ok. I saw some strange lunatics frantically waving. Turns out those lunatics were our aunties.
We visited a paralysed Ba Ngoai.
'You're skinny.' She said to me.
'You're skinny too.' She said to my brother.
Today I'm gonna go to that place we call SUPERBOWL :) And where KFC sells rice. :D YAY!
Cousin A's going to come over soon. Cousin B has already gone to work.. I wanted to say 'Congrats cause you're getting engaged and all' but he escaped to go to work on his AWESOME BLUE MOTORBIKE..
Looks the same from three years ago really.

Oh well.. It's only 7:15 am here.

Better jet..

~Monsieur Bloo Kaktus.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Well, today seems to be that very fateful day when I skip happily and willingly into a Boeing 747 Plane for the third time to go to Vietnam.
Hopefully, the plane doesn't crash. :)
Haven't gone yet; seems like the flight's at 12, ohmygosh. I'm waiting for Oscar & co. to come over to our place.. And it's only, 8:35.
Right now I'm on 'Hooked on Harry's' .. very reminiscent of Year 5 when we all were addicted to that gaming site..

Now, onto the friends I shall truly and deeply miss the most, Friend Y & Z. Sorry I'm neglecting X.

Y & Z are the bestest of besties in the world of besties besties.


(Well, that's just me.)

And now I haven't got a single damn clue to what I'll be getting them at Vietnam.. Or at Darwin in fact..

Leave me to ponder ...

Mr. Blue Cactus :)