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Hi. I'm just a simple nobody - with a simpleton mind, simple values, simple views.. It doesn't matter if you don't view my blog. Personally, I don't really care. Hello, and good-bye.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Bus Crash.

Like the title of this post so kindly says, this is about..


Ok. We were on the bus to swimming, and we stop at the very first traffic light.

BOOM. I felt this sudden shock. I heard a few screams, and then realised something was obviously wrong. The glass was cracked.

'Don't panic!" the teachers yelled out. But their yells were unheeded, for there were cries of 'I'm too young too die!' (Most notably from Jessica Tan.)

We kept on driving for a short while.. And suddenly..


The glass window broke, and glass shards started to fall to the floor (from outside). we just had to stop.

The bus driver prodded the window with the stick and the rest of the glass fell out.

Then, I took a picture. :)

Well, we missed the much dreaded swimming where we had to do four laps of flutterby. (butterfly)

Au revoir~


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